After using navigation buttons, please deactivate panel.
You can use mouse for navigation:
 wheel - zoom in / zoom out
 press left button - pan
 +/- - zoom in / zoom out
 arrows - pan
 SHIFT + press left
  button - zoom in
 SHIFT + CTRL + press left
  button - zoom out
 SHIFT + click - center view
 double click - center and zoom in

Classifications 1990 - 2000:

healthy stands
slightly damaged stands
moderately damaged stands
severly damaged stands, calamitous areas, fellings, sparse stands

Classifications since 2003:

healthy stands
slightly damaged stands
moderately damaged stands
severly damaged stands, calamitous areas, fellings, sparse stands


red boundaries state forestry administration units
orange boundaries forest districts
black boundaries forest stands

Boundaries of forest districts and forest stands are displayed in detailed view only (at the scales bellow 1:100 000 and 1:50 000 resp.).

Web map application dynamically visualizes forest state classifications based on satellite scenes.
To visualize changes, please use a slider at the bottom part of the application.
Navigation in the map is enabled by navigation panel, mouse, keyboard or overview map in the bottom left corner of the application.